How does one begin to express the effect my mother had on the course of my life? How can plain words paint a portrait in the necessary vivid colors capable of conveying the depth of that unique connection of mother/child? Acknowledging my inability, I neverthless attempt to describe my indescribable feelings.Mother was, and continues to be, a guiding influence in the lives of her family. Who else, at the age of ninety, can still relate and identify with children and teenagers? Her grandchildren and great-grandchildren love to be around her. She makes them comfortable in her presence because she is genuinely interested in their lives.

It is difficult to write about Mom without mentioning Dad, for they were one in purpose. They were both consistent and genuine in their beliefs and actions, spontaneous in their humor and laugh, determined and positive int he face of adversity. Without conscious effort ehy taught me plain, joyous living.

It is difficult to write about Mom without mentioning Dad, for they were one in purpose. They were both consistent and genuine in their beliefs and actions, spontaneous in their humor and laugh, determined and positive int he face of adversity. Without conscious effort ehy taught me plain, joyous living.
Mom is the perpetual nurturer. She has raised one daughter, three sons, two parrots, two bear cubs, one owl, and a numerous array of stray cats and dogs. She notices the large, as well as the small characteristics of other people, but always the positive ones.
She does not know the effect she has on other people. I do not know how many times I have heard people say, "I just lvoe your mother." She taught me ;many times that we reap what we sow. Many times I heard her talk about "casting your bread upon the waters." She is now enjoying the harvest of good will planted over the course of nine decades. She painted a life of love with broad, deliberate strokes of caring and concern. What a privilege to be included in this family portrait painted in both the bold as well as the delicate colors of love created by a mother caring for her family.
Scott Shirley
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