Happy birthday. As I begin to reflect on what you've meant to me in my life I think back to my earliest memories of you. I remember being a very small child, covered with mosquito bites after playing in your yard and the fields all day. You always had a small bottle of something that you would gently dab on my skin, to prevent itching. I never learned what it was, but I will never forget the scent of it. I also remember you standing atop a sand dune in the hot sun, acting as a sentinel to ensure that our play time in the sand would not be interrupted by off-road vehicles. I don't remember ever getting "in trouble." Whenever we got into mischief as children (and even as adults) we were always met with a knowing smile, and "the look," which you passed down to your son, who in turn passed it on to me. And now I too have handed it down to my children. You have always been there for us, whether it was supporting our life decisions or opening your home. I can't count how many times we camped out in your home for holidays and vacations. How many times did we get home from hunting Christmas trees after dark, to find a hot meal waiting for us? You have always taken an interest in where we have been, and what we are up to. I think you for the lasting impact that you have had on our lives.
We love you,
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