Dear Mom,
Happy 90th Birthday!!! I hope you have a magnificent birthday!
I'm so lucky to have you as my confidante, my mom and my friend. You have been a great example to me throughout my life. I wish I were half the woman you are! I appreciate all the hard work and sacrifice you've given to make ;my life what it is today. ;I remember when you worked at the drug store, and we went up there to see you at work and got "swamp water" soda, and the days when you'd work all day at the Forest Service and then come home and still prepare supper for all of us and kept the house in order, I don't know how you kept up the pace.
Remember the ;times we used to count my tips when I worked at J.B's as a waitress?
I remember when the Teton Dam broke and we waded back into the house. I marvel at your courage, I don't know how you kept your composure seeing the devastation to the house.
I remember all the good meals you cooked for us throughout the years, and in the j"olden days" when we made homemade root beer and put it in the cellar. You make the best pink circus popcorn int he world - I believe you're famous for it!
I'm so glad we were able to go on some trips together. The trip to Expo in Canada (remember losing your sausage rolls in the rental car that we never found?), our cruise to Alaska, and trips to the Albuquerque BAlloon Fiesta, just to name a few. What a blast, I hope you had as much fun as I did!
Thanks for always letting us come stay whenever there is a holiday or a three-day weekend. No matter what the weather, we BBQ outside, and at Thanksgiving time when we go on our tree-getting expeditions and come ;home to a hot meal and angel food cake with pink frosting, the memories from those get-togethers will last forever.
Your sense of humor and wise sayings are an absolute delight!
Words can't express ;my gratitude to you for always being there for me. I always knew I could count on you, no matter what. I would be lost without you.
I hope you have many more birthdays and that you always enjoy good health and happiness.
Lots and lots of love!