Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grandma Ward

Mina Ward was an identical twin. She married and had a daughter, Rayola. The man she married decided he would go to California and obtain work there. He would send for her later. My mother said, "I guess he forgot." Mina met and married Grandpa Ward and they started their family. Grandpa Ward was a "day-laborer, so he was always looking for work. Grandma did what she could to keep the family fed. Grandpa knew the scriptures well. He was also ward clerk for many years. At the same time he had a problem with tobacco. Mom said, "He never smoked in front of us kids." She said he would go outside into the outhouse for his "necessities." The first photo shows Grandma Ward. The caption on the back says, "Mina at Margie's place, 1950."

This is Margie.

This photo shows Grandma Ward holding Dale, at 7 weeks of age. Did you notice a third person in the photo? To their right and to the bottom of the photo is Neal, age 15 months.

This is Grandma holding Dale at 5 months of age.

This is Grandma holding me (Scott).

This is a five generation photo. It shows Phebe (Grandpa Ward's mother, who was a second wife), Art (Grandpa Eberhardt Ward), Rayola (Mom's older sister, known as Ray), her daughter Betty, and her son. The photo was taken in June, 1952.

To give an idea of Mina's personality, I am including some correspondence between her and Mom. I left as much of the spelling and punctuation as possible:
Dear Margie and Ross, I am taking a chance that you may be getting your mail. My thoughts are with you all the time since I heard of the awful flood. The pictures on the T.V. nearly makes a person sick and I guess to see the real things are still worse. I sure hope you can reach your home and find some things that you can redeem. It is tragic but I am so grateful that your family are all safe. The life of one member would be worse than it is now. I hope you are not making yourselves sick worrying. Just plan on coming out OK. I sure hope you are accepting aid from the church and red cross and in the end get some money from the government who seem to be to blame. They are such liars, there's no telling what they will do.

We have had a real hot day today. It keeps me busy running the hose on my garden and flowers. I haven't heard from any of the kids for a day or two and I am sure they are all thinking about you. If there is any thing I can do or any thing that I have that you may need please tell me. I forgot to give you your plum preserve also a bottle of dill pickles and rheubarb. I don't know how to spell it but you will know what I mean. Tuesday. I got this far last evening then decided to go to bed. I have been out this morning looking to see if my vegetables had grown another leaf. It is cloudy so we may get some rain to-day.

Max Anderson's wife called me Sunday to hear what I knew about you and the flood. I ask her if she was the lady that ask about you when she saw me in Tremonton and she said no, so I don't know who it was that talked to me and ask about you when I was in Tremonton so that shows that you have friends around our valley. I am fine I don't know just what I will do today but it will be some thing. By the looks of the T.V. pictures there is a lot of mud for some one to shovel out. I hope your house still stands and that I could help you clean up. I imagine some one will come to your aid.

The other day when Gwen called she said she was coming up one day this week and take me to a show then stay here over night. I hope I hear from you before she comes and besides I am not interested in night life. I would rather go to bed. It is real good of her to do it but young folks don't realize that old people have lost interest in such things. Maybe not all old folks but I sure am past enjoying such things especially a picture show. I never did care of them. I would rather lay on the bed and watch T.V. Well I guess this is all for now. I hope you two are taking care of yourselves. I need all my kids. Thanks for all the nice things you do for me. Love to all. Mom. Please excuse mistakes and read this as it should be. Wish I could help you.

New Letter: I got my new colored T.V. and love it but I am half afraid to use it because it has snow looking dots on it. I am waiting until Paul comes up some time and take care of it. I daresen't mess with it and I wouldn't let any one else. I put it on for one show and then use my radio. Margie after talking to you the other day nothing has happened around so this will sure be a short note. I will keep thinking until some one comes so I can mail this. Take care of yourselves. You sounded good the other day. Hope Ross is OK also all your kids and grand kids.

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